Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

VAC’s normal business quality standard is ISO 9001:2015

Conformance audits are performed by an independent registrar. Our certificate number is CERT-0144667. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered company, VAC is able to provide increased customer satisfaction through improved use of VAC resources and an increased understanding of customer needs and expectations. VAC has met and can implement special quality programs to meet customer requirements.

ISO 9001 is an international standard used to establish a quality management system that provides confidence in the conformance of manufactured products to established or specified requirements. For more information on this topic, visit the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Web-site.


A manufacturing company that has implemented a quality management system based on the ISO 9001 international standard and has passed conformance audits performed by an independent registrar. Our registrar is Intertek. Our Certificate number is CERT-0144667.

  • Continuous improvements in product quality and reliability.
  • Better “On-Time” deliveries.
  • Increased customer satisfaction through improved use of VAC resources.
  • Increased understanding of customer needs and expectations.
  • Structured and documented design processes.
  • Product improvement through customer feedback.


vac terms and conditions

VAC Supplier Quality Requirements

The Supplier Quality Requirements and specific Quality Codes, with all of their terms and conditions, become an integral part of Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Purchase orders, in conjunction with Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Standard Terms and Conditions. Where applicable, these requirements are to be flowed down to the supplier’s sub-tier suppliers. 

Any deviations or modifications to existing Purchase Orders are to be transmitted through Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Purchasing and will require a Change Order. Verbal or unofficial instruction to deviate from the Purchase Order is not allowed. Only a legible facsimile copy (fax) or electronic transmittal of the change order issued by Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Purchasing is considered adequate authority to proceed. 

  1. Supplier Contribution
    Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) suppliers of Products and Services contribute to the overall safety and conformity of end items produced and as a result are expected to contribute products and services that meet all applicable safety requirements and conform to Purchase Orders, Drawings and/or all other specified requirements.
    As a Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) supplier it is important to conduct business in a responsible and ethical manner. 
  2. Supplier Performance
    Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) will evaluate suppliers based upon the quality of their product, on-time delivery, and on-time responses to requests for corrective action. A history of substandard ratings may be cause for removal of the supplier from the Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Approved Supplier List. The objective of Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) is to receive quality hardware on or before scheduled delivery dates. 
  3. Right of Access
    Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC), our customers, government, or regulatory agencies have the right of access to the applicable areas of all facilities, at any level of the supply chain involved in this Purchase Order.
    The supplier shall furnish reasonable support and access to manufacturing facilities, quality system documentation, quality records, third-party audit reports, and personnel responsible for implementing and maintaining the quality system. 
  4. Nonconforming Material, MRB, Variances and Requests for Deviation
    The supplier shall maintain a system for identification and segregation to ensure that nonconforming material is not intermingled with accepted material. Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) requires notification of any/all nonconforming material and the supplier must obtain documented approval from Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) for any/all nonconforming material dispositions. The supplier is not authorized to perform material review board (MRB) actions or disposition of nonconforming material with the intent of delivering such material. Recommended dispositions or departures from drawing or specifications must be forwarded to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) purchasing for approval.
    Previous dispositions shall not be considered precedence for acceptability. Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) may request supplier to submit cause and corrective action on discrepancies prior to acceptance of material. 
  5. Notification of Changes
    The supplier shall notify Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) of any changes to the suppliers or any sub-tier changes that affect purchase order requirements. Changes are defined as changes in company ownership and/or location, materials, configuration, process, sub-tier suppliers, inspection testing methods/techniques. Such changes may void all previous Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) supplier qualifications, certifications, approval status, and may require re-qualification or re-submittal of a First Article. When required, the supplier shall obtain written approval from Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC). 
  1. Record Retention
    The supplier shall retain a complete set of all records, hard copy or electronic, required by this document, as specified in the Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Purchase Order, Statement of Work, or as defined by the applicable Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Quality Codes (QC’s). These records shall be available to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) upon request.
    All records are to be legible, reproducible, and identified to the Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Purchase Order. Records are to be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to minimize deterioration or damage, and to prevent loss. This applies to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) suppliers and their lower-tier suppliers.
    The retention period for all records shall be 10 years minimum unless otherwise specified by the Purchase Order.
    Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC), our customers, government, or regulatory agency representatives shall have full access to review records as they pertain to the Purchase Order. 
  2. Counterfeit Part Prevention
    All suppliers or distributors shall guard against the use and delivery of counterfeit parts or components to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC). A “counterfeit” part is defined as: “A part falsely represented in some manner, e.g., manufacturer, date code, lot code, reliability level, markings, etc.”
    Any departure from the specified Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or an authorized distributor of the OEM specified in the part documentation shall require written approval from Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) prior to delivery. 
  3. Preservation and Packaging, ESD and FOD Control
    All parts and materials intended for Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) shall be protected against the potential damage from shipping, ESD (Electrostatic Discharge), FOD (Foreign Object Debris), corrosion, moisture, contamination, deterioration or damage by processing, handling storage at the Supplier, or in transit to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC), or from any sub-tier supplier. 


QC1 – NQA-1 (Quality System Requirements) 

The supplier shall provide, document and maintain a Quality System that meets the requirements of NQA-1. 

QC2 – ISO 9001:2015 (Quality System Requirements) 

The supplier shall provide, document and maintain a system that is certified to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 or greater. Supplier must maintain a current Certificate of Registration. 

QC3 – AS9100:D (Quality System Requirements) 

The supplier shall provide, document and maintain a system that is certified to the requirements of AS9100:D. Supplier must maintain a current Certificate of Registration. 

QC4 – Calibration Services Requirements 

Supplier test equipment calibration services must have a calibration system conforming to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 or ISO 10012, or 17025. Calibration procedures must be maintained that provide sufficient information for periodic calibration of measuring and test equipment (M&TE). Calibration reports, as a minimum, shall include the following information: 

  1. Date of Calibration. 
  2. Specification(s) to which calibrated. 
  3. Identification or serial number of the item to which the report pertains. 
  4. Evidence of traceability for all calibrations performed to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 
  5. Name and certification of the agency performing the calibration(s) if other than the supplier. 
  6. Results of calibration performed including the initial (as received condition) and completed (as returned) measurements. The data shall contain a statement of uncertainties (tolerances) or accuracy of standards used, including data for any out-of-tolerance conditions found. 
  7. Relevant environmental or other conditions under which the calibration was obtained and for which the stated tolerances are valid, as applicable. 
  8. Corrections that must be applied if standard conditions of temperature, gravity, air buoyancy, etc. are not met of differ from those at time and place of calibration, when applicable. 

QC5 – Government Source Inspection (GSI) 

Government Source inspection is required for this Purchase Order. Upon receipt of this Purchase Order promptly notify and furnish a copy to the Government representative who normally services your company. The Government representative should again be notified ten (10) days in advance of the time product or processes are ready for inspection or test. Evidence of Government inspection must be shown on all shipping documents. 

QC6 – Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Source Inspection 

The inspection shall be performed at the supplier’s facility by Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Quality Assurance prior to shipment. The supplier shall give Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Quality Assurance a minimum of forty eight (48) hours advance notice to permit scheduling of the Source Inspection. Evidence of acceptance by Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Quality Assurance must accompany each shipment of materials. 

QC7 – First Article Inspection 

First Article Inspection is required to be performed by the supplier and must be submitted to Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) with the shipment (when first time or new revision is manufactured) to ensure compliance to the applicable drawings and specifications. The first article item(s) shall be identified by the supplier and shall be accompanied by the First Article Inspection Report (FAIR). The First Article Inspection Report shall be formatted in accordance with AS9102. 

QC8 – Raw Material Test Reports / Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR) 

The supplier shall provide raw material chemical and physical test reports with each shipment. Test reports shall state the actual test values as well as reference the manufacturer’s lot, batch or heat/melt number and origin of melt. 

QC9 – Special Process Certifications 

The supplier and/or their sub-tier supplier performing any special process noted on the purchase order, drawing or specifications shall provide a separate certification for each process performed. The certification must identify the following as a minimum: 

  1. Suppliers name and address. 
  2. Applicable purchase order number.
  3. Part number, including dash numbers and revision levels. 
  4. Quantity. 
  5. Lot number, batch number, or serial number. 
  6. Process name and specification number with type and class. 
  7. Name and address of the agency that performed the process, if other than the supplier. 
  8. Signature, Title and date by an authorized representative of the issuing organization. 

Special processes shall be performed to the most current revision. 

QC10 – Certification of Conformance 

The supplier shall provide a Certification of Conformance with each shipment, for each item shipped. The certification of Conformance shall certify that all requirements of the purchase order have been met. The certification must contain the following as a minimum: 

  1. Supplier’s name and address. 
  2. Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) purchase order number. 
  3. Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) part number and supplier part number, including dash number and revision level. 
  4. Date Code (if applicable). 
  5. Quantity. 
  6. Lot number and serial number (if applicable). 
  7. Heat Lot Number (if applicable) 
  8. Origin of Melt 
  9. Signature, Title and date by an authorized representative of the issuing organization.

QC11 – Age/Environment Sensitive Material (Limited Shelf Life) 

The supplier shall identify each item, package, or container of age/environment sensitive material (limited shelf life). Identification shall include as a minimum: 

  1. Name of material, part number, type, size, and quantity. 
  2. Date of Manufacture (DOM – initial date critical life period established). 
  3. Date of Expiration (DOE – termination of useable life of material). 
  4. Special storage and handling conditions to be observed by the end user. 

In addition, the supplier shall provide a certification and/or packing slip with the information specified above. 

Material is not acceptable with 50% or less than the specified shelf life. Each shipment must be accompanied by the most current Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

QC12 – Manufacture Certification 

The supplier shall provide with each shipment one legible and reproducible copy of the manufacture certification. The certification shall include as a minimum: 

  1. Name and address of the manufacture. 
  2. Statement attesting that the item(s) conform to all contract, drawing, and specification requirements. 
  3. Part number, including dash number and revision level to which the item(s) were manufactured. 

The certification shall provide traceability to the Original Manufacture and compliance to the Vacuum Atmospheres Company (VAC) Counterfeit Part Prevention Program. 

QC13 – Origin of Melt Required 

The supplier shall provide with each shipment one legible and reproducible copy of material certifications and chemical/physical reports from the producing mill. Each report must provide traceability by heat/melt number and origin of melt. 

QC13A – Origin of Melt Required per DFAR 225.872 

The supplier is to use metals melted in the United States or an approved country as listed in DFARS 225.872. This requirement shall be flowed down to any sub-tier suppliers used by the supplier. 

The supplier shall provide with each shipment one legible and reproducible copy of material certifications and chemical/physical reports from the producing mill. Each report must provide traceability by heat/melt number and origin of melt. 

QC14 – Test Data 

The supplier shall provide with each shipment one legible and reproducible copy of the actual test results identifiable with test parameters, part number, lot number, serial number and date code (as applicable). Test reports must contain the test/inspection stamp of the individual performing and/or witnessing the test, or the signature and title of the authorized representative of the supplier. 

QC FORM #841(01/2020)

RMA Forms